Primal Carnage Wiki


The Tupandactylus is the second Premium skin for Primal Carnage. It is an optional skin that replaces the Pteranodon. Like the other premium skins, the Tupandactylus comes with two skins.

Crimson Crested Tupandactylus

Crimson Crested Tupandactylus

The Tupandactylus, or more commonly referred to as “Tupa” as nobody outside of the science labs could pronounce it correctly, was never actually intended to be cloned at all. There was in fact a mix-up with the deliveries and a specimen marked as “Tapejara” turned out not to be so.

The situation was not helped when the lab boys tried to educate management by showing them the difference between the two species to the reception of blank stares and silent confusion.

Regardless of its origins however it has been interesting to note that the “Tupa” has a rather unique ability compared to other previously cloned Pterosaurs, as its crest can in fact change color depending on its current mood.

It’s important to note then that it turns red when angered.

Tropical Tupandactylus

Tropical Tupandactylus

The “Tropical Tupa” was designed as an attempt to create an arboreal inclined variant of Pterosaur, so in regions far from coastal cliffs and mountainous areas the species would be able to survive by roosting in forest and jungle canopies without the natural instinctive tendencies to roost on cliff sides.

This new behaviour and jungle camouflage was a huge success, however roosting in trees is not a natural lifestyle for any large pterosaur and it is common to see this particular breed of Tupandactylus scarred and covered in wounds.

This has the unfortunate result of making these otherwise aesthetically pleasing, beautiful and graceful animals rather irritable.

They are especially annoyed by loud noises as they don’t ever actually get a full or comfortable nights’ sleep.

